Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 102

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 8
issue Number : 102

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 8، ، issue Number 102

Rhetorical investigation of questioning in Bidel Dehlavi's masnavis based on the masnavi "Telesm e Heyrat"

Maryam Bayat , Fouzie Parsa (Author in Charge), Nahid Azizi


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Bidel e Dehlavi was a great Persian poet of India in the second half of the 11th century and the beginning of the 12th century. He is considered one of the peaks of the Indian style in Persian poetry and one of the most prominent poets in the history of Persian literature. Although Bidel e Dehlavi"s main fame is due to his ghazals, his masnavis are also original and valuable in their own way. From Bidel e Dehlavi, there are four masnavis of Erfan, Toor e Marafat, Mohit e Azam and Telesm e heyrat, which are noteworthy examples of the Indian style. The Masnavi of Talism e heyrat is an allegorical travelogue and the story of King Rooh"s journey in the worlds of creation. In this masnavi, mystical thoughts with complex themes, strange metaphors and allusions are mixed together and imagination, variety of images and creation of new themes are accompanied with great precision and scrutiny. At the same time, this masnavi is an example of rhetorical beauty, and Bidel himself, in introducing the masnavi of Telesm e heyrat, on the one hand, criticizes those who are interested in the prominence of words, and on the other hand criticizes the lovers of good meanings, and the Masnavi of Telesm e heyrat is a combination of both sides. Hasan introduces the wording and meaning and requests the readers to pay attention to the beauty of both layers of his words while studying this Masnavi. Therefore, paying attention to the aesthetics of the mentioned Masnavi from the point of view of the science of rhetoric is one of Bidel e Dehlavi"s own wishes. In the present article, an attempt is made to examine the aesthetics of the Masnavi of the talisman of surprise based on the topic of the rhetoric of Istfam in the science of meanings and to explain the beauties and subtleties of this field.

METHODOLOGY: The research method in this article is a combination of analytical and descriptive methods based on frequency and statistical results. First, the description of the knowledge of meanings and especially the category of interrogative rhetoric is discussed, and then the examples of this phenomenon are analyzed in a surprising way. The basis of the work is the Masnavi of Talisman Hirat, a poem by Bidel e Dehlavi, which is included in the third volume of the general poems of this poet.

FINDINGS: Bidel e Dehlavi has benefited widely from interrogatives in a rhetorical form and in secondary meanings, and interrogatives in his poetry, including in the masnavi of the spell of astonishment, in various artistic situations such as denial, warning, persuasion, reprimand, surprise, bowing, etc. has been used.

CONCLUSION: This research shows the special attention of Bidel e Dehlavi to the measures of knowledge of meanings and the efficient and effective use of these measures in his poems. Considering the wide fame of Bidel during his lifetime and his still alive reputation in the Persian-speaking territories outside of Iran, as well as the increasing trend of paying attention to the works of Bidel e Dehlavi in Iran in the last few decades, and considering that the result of the science of semantics and the knowledge of rhetoric, the same attention The audience is a literary work, Bidel"s poetry can be considered full of calculated rhetorical subtleties and semantics.

Bidel e Dehlavi , Indian style , rhetoric , science of semantics , questioning , Telesm e heyrat

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